Thursday, October 17, 2019

Why FOMO will kill us...

There is a party out there,i hear clouded bundles of happiness but guess what am cuddling with me myself and I because lets say that JOMO kicked in.

When someone says FOMO I will forever think 2019.Like many other people 
 FOMO has been a constant companion of mine, it has never been as powerful as it has been this year.
Well if you don't know what FOMO means; don’t worry it’s basically the "Fear of Missing Out," it is an emotion that is driven by thoughts that can create fear and anxiety ; something that this generation specifically relates to right? trust me, it has permeated most corners of our popular culture and you too can almost relate. Everyone get to be anxious about something and nothing at the same time.

Ain't it funny what FOMO tries to do to us.
Its like that spiraling anxiety that showcases an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere but where we are at. It spikes your mind to be every where but where you are. It tends to be a mirage; so close yet so far. You question so many things about you just to find a single strand of thread to fit into where it seemingly feels more cool.
In our information society these feelings are often aroused by posts seen on social media. Truth be told I love pictures and no one has the audacity to judge my life with just a simple snap of a second right before I took it. Yes am smiley ,yes am happy and that all you need to know cause I let you see it. Right? That’s the protocoal, no one ever snapped at their own funeral right?

2019 is the year I realized I was a lifelong sufferer of FOMO and if your life is characterized by the following, you and me, us both are quite a like and you need to join me on my recovery road;
  • You Can't Get Your Eyes Off Your Phone.
  • You Take Photos Of Everything and share them or attempt to
  • You Never Say No( regrettably all the time and it costs you)
  • You Check Your Work Emails 24/7 - Even While On Holiday
  • You're Sick, But You're Not About To Let That Ruin Your Plans Of Going Out
  • You Spend Copious Amounts Of Money On Things You Can't Afford.
That my dear is a long list of so many ways one can tell they have FOMO. Now am not saying its  a disease or disorder, am not sure(clears throat) but i do know how irritable it is, no wonder it’s  a sad generation, how hard is it to believe that happiness is not contained in a container for us to conclude that it’s out there and not right here and now where we at.

Many studies show that FOMO leads to extreme dissatisfaction in one’s self and has a detrimental effect on our physical and mental health. Feelings of mood swings, loneliness, feelings of inferiority, reduced self-esteem, extreme social anxiety, and increased levels of negativity and depression, the list could go on and on.

To make it worse, so many of us experience it every day without even realizing it. I made 25 in June and the thought of getting to my Forties without really living just because of FOMO creeps me out. I want to have fun my way, I want to make reasonable mistakes my way, I don’t want to wake up in the mornings questioning my worth scaling it to how “they” measure it up. I want to believe that its happening here and now right where I am and it’s that simple, whatever it is.

Are we all scaling up to this pop culture? Yes because ; everyone and everything is looking to take advantage of our ignorance’s.

Uhmmm lets hear this, I read an article that said Apple CEO Tim Cook is not a fan of social media and in that same interview he says that he can’t stand his nephew being on social media. But while we’re busy burying our noses in our news feeds on social media a strange thing is going on in Silicon Valley which is the home of face book, these tech guys know something. Do you ever wonder about the tricks they used to keep us coming back for more, and more… and more? Not so many of us do. we are simply addicted. We keeping up.
 I think technology has ruined us Or me These gurus have created tools that are ripping apart the social fabric of how society works. Don’t you miss the good old days of being present?

Here's why we keep going back ; For starters let’s consider the ‘pull-to-refresh’ feature  on most  social media apps. I read that dragging the screen downwards prompts the screen to refresh and it takes advantage of our attraction to unpredictability. Psychologists call this ‘intermittent reinforcements’ hahaha Anyway sometimes, when we check social media there’s something exciting waiting for us and sometimes there’s not. It’s the unpredictability that keeps us coming back,then there's the dopamine effect, Dopamine is our brain’s way of recording what’s worth doing again.

Our phones also take advantage of our inherent social impulses that triger our fear of missing out (FOMO) just the impression that we need to reciprocate when we feel someone has done something for us. 

For example, those blue ticks on WhatsApp  that indicate when someone has read the message so there’s now a social pressure for them to respond. When logged out of Facebook you  even get emails telling you that you have unread messages and notifications, piling on the pressure to just log in, lest you miss out on some news or leave someone hanging. 

Arghhhhhhh and then there are those little dots that indicate when someone is in the process of replying to your message. What’s the likelihood you’re going to put down your phone before you’ve seen their response? haha my guess is that youll be glued to the phone until the response comes through and yah thats how people spend an entire day on social media.
It’s not easy to think about it like this but i hope that you do. Other forms of FOMO are seen in Gebner et al's cultivation theory where Television viewing has long term effects, that lead to FOMO due to the programing but  that's a story for another day.

I guess all am trying to say is that FOMO will kill us, but only if we let it. so lets not. here is how...

1.    Don't Let Social Media Fool You. Facebook and Instagram are eager to show you what you're missing when you opt out of events.
2.    Try on the “Beautiful No”  if  you are a people-pleaser
3.    Be Intentional with Your Friendships. ...
4.    Change Your Perspective.(Yes we can)
5.    Be Fully Present. With yourself, family, friends and that special some one, lets be present and live life, love it even more because guess what? we dont have forever.

Enough about FOMO lets try and  switch to embracing JOMO, or the joy of missing out
so yes, i do have the joy of missing out deep down in my soul.

See you at my next blog post.

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